Revolutionizing Cancer Care

Unleash the potential of the CyberKnife® System

Overwhelmed by your treatment options? There’s a superior choice. Reno CyberKnife offers the CyberKnife system – an advanced, patient-friendly solution for cancer treatment:

  • Precise & Effective: Targets tumors with pinpoint precision, minimizing side effects.
  • Quick & Convenient: Finish your treatment in as few as 5 outpatient sessions.
  • Non-Invasive: No surgery, no anesthesia, no hospital stay.

Empower your health journey. Contact Reno CyberKnife to discover more about the CyberKnife treatment.

Discover The Benefits

Proven Therapy

Proven Therapy

FDA-approved to treat any part of the body

Safer Treatment

Safer Treatment

No incisions, anesthesia or hospitalization

Shorter program

Shorter program

1 to 5 visits lasting less than 60-minutes each

Precision Targeted

Precision Targeted

Surrounding healthy tissues exposed to less radiation

The CyberKnife System vs. Traditional Radiation Therapy

CyberKnife Comparison Chart CyberKnife Comparison Chart for mobile

Get In Touch

Request a consult or call 775-377-7750 ›